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North Star

Club Song–tune: “America”

Oh North Star ‘tis of thee,
Emblem of life so free,
Of thee we sing;
Land where we farmers dwell,
Land that we love so well,
Let every hill and dell,
Thy praises ring.

Our farmers club art thou,
Amid the soughing bough,
And purling stream;
We love thy gleams of hope,
For problems we must cope.
Broad’ning our earthly scope.
Our fondest dream.

Oh, guide us now we pray,
To a more prosperous day,
Thou gleaming star;
When we’ll in autos ride,
With children by our side,
As o’er the roads we glide,
Oh blessed ear.

Long may our homes be bright.
With thy pure glitt’ring light.
Oh, North Star free;
If thou shouldst cease to shine.
Then would our hearts sublime,
And spirits too, decline.
In sorrow be.